Cancer Protein Description

This report provides a detailed description of a selected cancer protein with information collected from various sources, including UniProt, the Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute’s Catalogue of Somatic Mutations in Cancer (COSMIC), and the Atlas of Genetics and Cytogenetics in Oncology and Haematology.

Protein Name: CUL4B
Gene Name: CUL4B
Protein Full Name: Cullin-4B
Alias: KIAA0695
Mass (Da): 102299
Number AA: 895
UniProt ID: Q13620
Locus ID: 8450
Gene location on chromosome: Xq24*
Cancer protein type: UNCLEAR
Effect of cancer mutation on protein: UNCLEAR
Effect of active protein on cancer: UNCLEAR
Number of cancer specimens: 19805
Percent of cancer specimens with mutations: 0.62
Normal role description: CUL4B forms a complex that functions as an E3 ubiquitin ligase and catalyzes the polyubiquitination of specific protein substrates. It functions as a scaffold protein and interacts with RING finger proteins, and is required for the proteolysis of many DNA replication regulators such as Chromatin licensing and DNA replication factor 1, and Cyclin E, and hence functions in G1 cell cycle progression. Defects in CUL4B are the cause of mental retardation syndromic X-linked Cabezas type (MRXC).
Commentary on involvement of protein in cancer: *According to NCIB gene, the gene is located at Xq23; according to Atlas of genetics oncolgy and OMIM it is located on Xq24. 1/45 CNS tumours was mutated (Sanger COSMIC)

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